Features & Updates

From community

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Dungeon Realms Discord, #suggestions
Reset a Character
Reset your character back to LVL 1.
E-mail Log In
Use your e-mail and password to log into Dungeon Realms.
Remove XP
Be able to decrease XP for your players.
Video Call
Role-play via a video call.
Phone Landscape Mode
Enjoy the Dungeon Realms app in landscape mode.
Search Chat
Be able to search in-campaign and out-of-campaign chat for messages.
Auto-Roll Timer
Auto-roll for players if they take too much time to make their rolls.
Message Bookmarks
Bookmark or pin any message in your campaign so that you can access it fast later.
Unblock Chat When Rolling
Currently, all users in a campaign need to wait for everyone to roll. Allow people to play even when there are rolls to make.
Delete Direct Messages
Be able to delete a whole conversation in direct messages.
Swipe to Change Chats
Navigate between in-campaign and out-of-campaign chat with a single swipe.
Add language info to your campaign. Filter public campaigns by a language.
Voice Call
Role-play via a voice call.
Abilities: Rolling Method
Be able to roll ability stats.
Hide Difficulty Class
When setting up a Saving Throws, Skill Check, or Ability Check, be able to hide the difficulty class.
Images in the Campaign Chat
Upload images and attach them to your messages in a campaign chat.
Direct Speech
Add a way for Game Masters and Players to quickly set up a direct speech in chat messages.
Number of Players
Add the desired number of players information to a public campaign.
Character Sheet Import
Import a character sheet from services such as D&D Beyond or MRPG.
Switch a Game Master
Assign the GM role to another user in a campaign.
Live Games Scheduling
Use the Dungeon Realms app for live campaigns.
Lower Default Ability Score
Lower the default ability scores so characters aren't overpowered.
Export Adventure
Export your Dungeon Realms adventure right from your campaign.
Shared Notes
Use shared notes, where players and Game Masters can share and save information.
Text Formatting
Format text in your chat messages. Use Bold, Italic, and different colors, sizes, and fonts.